The art of teaching
is the art of assisting

About the Flamenco classes

During the lessons You will learn about coordination, posture, rhythm and music. There is no other dance where the music is as much connected to dance as in flamenco.  You will discover the joy of hand, arm and footwork, and the dynamics of organic and determined movements. 


Flamenco group classes every Monday in Eindhoven

  • Technique beginners-intermediate (every 2 weeks)

18.45-20.00 at Espacio Flamenco Encuentros

  • Technique intermediate-advanced (every 2 weeks)

18.45-20.00 at Espacio Flamenco Encuentros

  • Intermediate choreography (weekly)

20.00-21.00 at Espacio Flamenco Encuentros

  • Beginners choreography (weekly)

21.00-22.00 at Espacio Flamenco Encuentros


 Flamenco group classes on Wednesday in Amsterdam

  • Choreography Intermediate-Advanced

2 x month 90 minute class 20.30-22.00

2 x month 60 minute rehearsal 20.30-21.30

 at Studio 95 Amsterdam

Tussen de Bogen 95, 1013 JB Amsterdam

Start date: 18 September

Inscription: till 15 August


Flamenco group classes in Tilburg

  • Beginners 18.30-19.30
  • Intermediate-Advanced 19.30-20.30
  • Advanced 20.30-22.00 

The classes will be in Loft Tilburg. 

Ringbaan-Oost 8-17, 5013 CA Tilburg

Start date: 19th September

Inscription: till 15th August


Private classes available


Do you prefer personalized schedule? Would you like to focus on personal goals?

A private class is all about You.

Are you considering to try it? Just contact me here. 


Gabriella Házi

+31 6 33 10 99 33